Monday, October 21, 2013

Ice CReaM & WaffLEs

    Assalamualaikum dear after a few months,baru nk bukak balik blog ak yg entah pape ni..,muahaha..actually,aku minat sgt2 menulis tp memandangkan aku x brapa nk reti menulis di blog,so aku mcm nk x nk je buat entri smlm ak tetibe je tringin nk buat entri baru.So,i pick my fav dessert as a tajuk new entri ak nih,,bertepatan dgn tajuk presentation aku next week..haha...tetibe plak tekak ni nk rasa ICE CREAM N WAFFLES..ahakss..jom bace text oral akuh...hope sape2 yg boleh betulkan grammar aku,bolehlah komen,,,i don't care about ur age,so juz leave ur comment..huhu

Assalamualaikum w.b.t n very good morning to all my fellow friends and Sir Syafiq.Today,I'll talk about Ice Cream n Waffles.Y I choose this topic?This is because they are the best dessert I enjoy all time.At the time of my school days,I'll raise spending money to buy it at the weekend.Ice cream is a frozen dessert usuall maid by dairy products such as milk and cream.A waffle is a leavened batter or dough cooked between two plates, patterned to give a characteristic size, shape and surface impression.The combination of ice cream and waffles is a heaven for me thus I always look up an info at Internet about how to control contents of sugar in our desserts.

 Other than that,I also try all the flavours of ice cream from time to time to find a flavour that suits with my taste buds.

There are many delicious flavours that you can found when it comes about the ice cream.The flavours that normally be a something MUST they produce for people that start ice cream business are vanilla,chocolate,mint,strawberry and coffee.But nowadays,the demand for variety of special flavour ice cream increasing.So,all the chef in the world trying to produce the new flavours as a new attraction for the fans of ice cream.The new flavours of ice cream are salted caramel,sweet corn,coconut,blueberry and etc.The most flavour that I crazy one is MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP ICE CREAM(saja bagi besar coz nk sroh reader2 belikan utk me...ahakss).This ice cream made with fresh mint leaves mix in milk and cream.I sincerely declare that this type of ice cream will be my all-time favorite ice cream flavor ever.
 Waffles seem to stand in a class of their own, but they're actually considered cakes. They began as wafers in Belgium. Early varieties were cooked similarly to how they are now: the batter was poured into an iron made of two small metal plates, which was held over a fire. Add electricity and you've got a modern day waffle
iron.You know the taste of the waffles right?its sweet n yummy.But I'm not used to eat them without fillings.So,I eat them with marmalade,strawberry jam,honey and etc.Lately,I enjoy the chocolate syrup flavours especially from Hershey Chocolate Syrup.

Because of I'm always running out my pocket money since I'm getting demand for new clothes,tudung and others,I learnt to make my own ice cream with small budget but whole ice cream I get.So,I'll share with you guys.Firstly,gather the ingredients.There are 2 cups whole milk,1 1/2 cups heavy cream,4 tablespoons cornstarch,3 tablespoons cream cheese at room temperature, 1/2 cup sugar,2 cups loosely packed mint leaves,1  chocolate bar and a pinch of  salt.Next,give the leaves a stir with whole milk, then cover and let them sit for the full 25 minutes.Make sure all the cornstarch is dissolved into the milk. It will take a couple of minutes of whisking. Then mix this into the milk mixture and boil again.After that,Make sure all the cornstarch is dissolved into the milk. It will take a couple of minutes of whisking. Then mix this into the milk mixture and boil again.Just to be on the safe side, I decided to strain the milk mixture through a mesh strainer to catch any last little bits of mint leaves.Cut the chocolate bars into small pieces and freeze it.Then,the milk mixture is pour into ice cream maker then put the chocolate bar into container.After 4 hours,take out the ice cream container from the fridge.Done.Eat it with fresh Gadenia Delicia Waffles.

Then,until here my talk.Tq. x???aku ngaku x best la post aku ni...huhu...tapi i hope u all doakan sy boleh buat k..Hasbunallah wani'mal wakiill...
LOVE,,,assalamualaikum,...These are my pic with buddies eat ice cream...hihi

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Tahun 2013...

Yezza...wazzup2...kita dh d tahun 2013 baru nk update blog..hahaha..takpe lar,,,mana ada org pon nk bce blog ni en(tetibe gedik)..huhu...okok..Sekarang aku otw nk masuk 19,,disebabkan result aku yg teruk iaitu hanya mampu mendapat 5a je,aku memilih utk sambung belajar Diploma of Nursing di bumi Usm kubang kerian..huhu..jadi misi la aku akhirnya..
OK...cerita pasal usm kubang kerian atau usmkk ni....not bad kt mata aku...firstly dtg sini memang teruja sangat...jauh dr mak ayah,,konon2 nk belajar berdikari end up nye hampeh doe,,tiap2 hari aku rasa nk balik bila dh lma2 kt cni,boleh la,,,best jgak duk kt cni...makin lama makin best ngan roomate yg kedua-duanya berbangsa India...mula2 dulu ak mungkin x biasa ngan diowang tp skrg dh leh buat gila2...cumanya yg aku jeles,diowang ni tekun gla belajar...huh,,,jauh beza dgn ak...hahaha...yg lagi dua orang sama course dgn aku tp diowang x la close sgt ngan aku memandangkan aku ni jenis yg bosan kot,n x cantik cm geng2 diowang yg lain...xpela,ada lagi ramai nk kwn ak..(hopefully)..
Senior kt cni rmai yang baik2 after i Joined usrah,i got many kakak2 that i anggap seperti kakak sndiri...Kak Izah-degree nursing,kak Lia-degree kpp,kak sakinah-diploma nursing,kak sabihah-diploma nursing,kak Malihah-degree medical radiation,kak syuhada-degree nursing,n ramai yg agak rapat ngan aku la..Yang bestnya ukhwah kitowang hebat sgt,,nk berpisah tu mesti ada kata2 smangat...pesan Luqman Al-Hakim:

 Wahai anakku duduklah kamu dengan orang orang yang berilmu dan rapatkanlah lutut-lututmu dengan mereka. Sesungguhnya Allah SWT menghidupkan hati (akal) itu dengan cahaya ilmu, sepertimana dihidupkan bumi dengan air hujan.”

Huhu...betul la kata2 ni sebab bila hati aku resah,sedih,aku mesti gi junpak diowang n share masalah n lastly aku akan balik bilik dgn happy...hehe..ok la...tyme utk study...n lagi 10 hari otw nk balik umah...huhu

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Assalamualaikum...huwaaa...lma sudaa x jengok blog ak ni...nseb x bersawang..haha...sekembalinya ak kat blog ni nk m'perkenalkan group dakwah yg sebaya aku...byk manfaat d samping hiburan yg x berlebihan...wah!!!salute ar kt diorang ni...byk gla pengajaran yg aku dpat...thanx to my bestiezz,Syak coz kasi taw kewujudan diorang...hehe

Hahaha....lawak habis tgok video ni...mmg berguna sesangat...antara calon2 yg sesuai Imam Muda mungkin...hehe...semua lelaki di dunia ini wajib tgok..

Nayid vs k-pop

Aku salah seorang peminat muzik aku faham ap yg diorang nk sampaikan..yupzz..aku sedar diorang ckp tu btol...dgn ini,ak akan mula mengurangkan aktiviti kekpopan aku..huhu..


Cweet cangat bak kata matluthfi90...hehe...rokok!!!ak banned gila2....kpd perokok kene tgok video ni klu x sdar2 lg ap yg ada dgn rokok...

kasanova islamic

Bangga giler bila ada kaum Adam seusia aku yg berfikiran begini..hehe


Friday, December 16, 2011

Sayang3....kau sudah berpunya....hehe....owh ya,Assalamualaikum wahai bidadari n bidadari syurgawi yg dicintai...huhu....mcm la ada owg bce kn...hehe...arini ak nk kongc semua makhluk yg ada d hati ak walawpon dh habis high school dh...sorry,semua kwn ak x ikot list of track k..:)
ni lar bdak first yg ak nk knalkan....nama pnoh dye Siti Nur Syakirah BT Azmi...nma glamour syak!...smntara glaran pula ialah SNSYAAI...hehe....dye ni otak bijak...cita2 nk jadi doktor....ak doakan dye jadi doktor sakit jiwa sb ssuai ngan p'watakan dye...hehe...pminat no.1 Aaron Aziz slpas drama Nora Elena..dye ni klu exam prangai dye plik,dye x kn ckp just smile je...hhah...btw,i love her...
second of all is Nur Izyan Muhammad Fadzil...yg ni mmg hbat lar....skali bca dh ingat...hehe....bnda first yg ak nk ngamuk klu dye kta:kmi x bleyh jwb paper td....pergggh!rasa nk hampok kpala dye je....last2 A+ gak dpt...mmg suka mkn kaki minah ni...opppsss!tergdix sdah,,,haha...dye adalah kwn yg paling byk simpan rahsia coz dye antra kwn terawal yg rapat ngan pon nk jadi doktor walawpon hanya dipaksa coz ank sulung...haha..
next,Norfarahhanim(yg tinggi)......sorry,statement agak kjam....hehe...frah ni lar satu2 nya kwn yg akn ikot ak ke mana tanpa tolakan ngan alasan parent x kasi,,,blablabla,,,,hehe...umah ak pon dh mcm umah dye jgak...dye pon dh slalu anggap family ak ni mcm keluarga dye...haha...kwn yg bek ati coz slalu mgikot arahan...dh mcm pembuli lar ak ni bg taraf dye...haha..cita2 pnsyarah mate...hobi dye mmg jwb soalan math la ape lg kn...ok
ye....kwn ak yg ni pulak name Ayesha Suraya Shazali...dye kwn dr skolah rndah yg paling rapat ngan ak....nk gebang g mna ckp je....kalu ada dye,sure smpai...haha..kluar mlm2 blik kul 12 dh mcm anta minah rempit plak...hahaha...pape pon ak syg dye sgt2...cinta mati la lbeyh kurang..haha

So,ak nk ingatkn yg ak always love love love kowang sgt2...mmmmuahhh

Friday, December 9, 2011


Assalamualaikum wbt....
Sudah berkurun aku tinggalkan blog aku yg ak x penah like ni...tapi kali ini aku nk kongc pasal mak aku yg dah bergelar neni kpda Aisya Damia Abu Dzar..
My mum's full name is SITI NOR IZAH BT MOHD.RADZI...
ibu sy yg byk mulut...hahaha

Apa yg ak nk kata about my oldy mum ni dye punye laksa the best among the best...kmbang dh mak ak...OMK!hehe...
ni lar awas2 yg mak ak wat sndri sambil membebel 24 jam...

ni lar hasilnya setelah sebaldi peluh diperah dlm nyew...lazat x syakirah...hehe...salah dua rahsia laksa ni lain sikit rasa ialah mak ak xkn mandi selagi x siap kuah laksa n esoknya masa perangat pon x mandi lagi selain mak ak mandi sehari sekali ja coz bpak ak sruh jimat air...hehe...
X caye ke kowang cdap laksa nie?
so,kpd kengkwn ak yg ska laksa yg mak ak wat,inilah rahsia d dlm rahsia...huhu...

Next,mak ak ni seowang yg rock bak kata kengkwn ak...taw nape???
Mak ak suka karaoke sowang2...x caye tnya Ahmad Safwan...klakar dye glak mse ak gtaw mak ak yg nyanyi..baru2 ni pon dye melalak ngan bekas adik ipar x jadi...hehe...

Pape pon bufday mak ak yg ke-47 dh nk dekat...mak ak pesan mesti bg adiah....gleww!!x ikhlas la mcm tu...haha...whateva...btw,mak sy bhagia ngan facebook nyew...Moga beliau chat slalu nnti leh jga anak ak plak...haha....babysitter free,,,muahaha...aminnn


Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Hari ni aku nk kongsi kn minat aku kat kumpulan korea niey....ss501..Mula2 aku dgar psal kawan aku ckp,aku wat derk jew lagi...skali aku dgar lagu Bcoz i'm stupid,,,,perrrggghhhh!!!!x sangka aku tros jtoh cinta ngan ss501...
Aku taw msti da d antara kengkwn aku x layan mamat2 korea niey,tp aku pdulik apew...?hahahaha....Sengal gak aku nieh...hahaha...yg aku gtaw kat korang ni mcm lar korang nk bca sgt blog aku...wat pnat tangan aku tulis jew...
Ni lar lagu aku yg first aku minat...njoy weyh...:)

Ni plak lagu kedua aku minat...
N yg ni plak aku tgok kt tv kali first n tros minat...ahaksss..

Sunday, December 19, 2010

pIALa sUZUki

sALAM semua...

Semua orang dalam umah aku ngah sibok2 nk tgok bola...disebabkan tiada pnyokong,aku terpaksa korbankn Mari Menari final utk tgok Malaysia lawan Vietnam...mak aku pulak syok berfacebook...aku saja jew lar sertai adk bradik ak tgok bola....nk kta hebat x lar sgt tp boley lar..

Kire hebat lar kot dpt masok final setelah 14 taun x clap aku kemarau final kn...klu leh tentang Indonesia tu kire baguih lar,ak hope 1 ari nty ak nmpk team bdak futsal yg mnang taun niey kt skola ak leh jadi cm diorang...aminn....

Guud Luck